For Farm-PEP to be a success we need to properly think through the motivations of all its users, so that we achieve the continued engagement necessary.
I've tried to characterise the main…
The above diagram gives an outline of our current plans for developing Farm-PEP.
We are still formulating what our best approach is, depending on the how we should start and what business…
We held an insightful meeting this morning with a small group of farmers and advisors to discuss what they would like Farm-PEP to be.
This has led us to rethink some of our approaches and…
Our aim in Farm-PEP is to support farm-centric knowledge generation and sharing, and connect the industry.
There will be no point creating Farm-PEP if it can't be viably sustained into the…
The questions below have come up from discussions with stakeholders and from questioning ourselves. We don't necessarily have the answers - so any help would be appreciated! If you have more…
[Note - this post contains our initial ideas for Farm-PEP content - for our revised thoughts see here]…
For Farm-PEP to be successful it will need the support and engagement of all the major knowledge exchange organisations in agriculture. Our challenge for Farm-PEP is to find the niche where…
First ideas on what the Farm-PEP web solution might look like
The original concept for Farm-PEP was to provide an online space for projects & resources, like the YEN website but opening access to anyone to put a project online, opening discussion to all…
In setting out to develop the Farm-PEP community of farmers, advisors, researchers, industry and KE practitioners it is vital that we create the right tone and ethos.
Our current ideas…