YEN Nutrition offers Grain Analyses with Benchmarking for accurate nutrient management across the farm.
Use YEN Nutrition to:
- identify fertiliser overuse
- show potential savings
- diagnose deficiencies
Benchmarking compares across farms, fields, crops, and years to improve future decision-making for every nutrient in all grain crops.
Farm YEN Nutrition Reports cost £400 +VAT for six fields. Each additional field (or sample) costs £66.66 + VAT.
If you or your organisation would like YEN Nutrition Reports for 10 farms or more, we can offer a discount. Click here to enquire about a group entry.
If you have any queries, please email yen@adas.co.uk
About YEN Nutrition
Farm YEN Nutrition Reports
Each farm receives two bespoke Reports: a Nutrient Offtake Report and a Benchmarking Report. Click the images below to view examples.
Plus you will be able to use ...
- YEN Dynamic Benchmarking online.
Why analyse your grain?
Grain analysis defines a crop's final status for all essential nutrients. It accurately assesses nutrient offtakes and then benchmarking identifies which nutrient deficiency(ies) may have limited crop yield.
AHDB Webinar Recording: Grain nutrient analysis
Click below to learn more
Grain analysis provides levels of all 12 essential nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorus (P), Sulphur (S), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), and Molybdenum (Mo). It completes the story started by soil analysis and developed by leaf analysis and reveals whether a crop actually captured enough of each nutrient throughout its entire life.
Grain analysis provides the ultimate check on: -
- Results of soil and leaf analysis
- Seasonal abnormalities
- Whether rooting etc. was adequate
- How well fertilisers and nutrient sprays etc. worked
Grain analyses on >1,000 YEN cereal crops have shown that 80% were probably deficient in at least one nutrient! We estimate that, at 2022 prices, the average YEN field (10 ha) stands to benefit by over £1,500 from having its nutrition fully optimised.
AThis is mainly by optimising nitrogen, but grain analyses also provide the most accurate estimates of nutrient offtakes, hence P&K requirements. This reduces unnecessary P&K applications, saving ~£350 on fertiliser costs per average field.
Routine grain analysis is now recommended in AHDB’s crop nutrition guide (RB209), the go-to guide for growers.
Why benchmark grain results?
By benchmarking your grain results against results from other farms and fields, you can immediately see how well your crop nutrition rated.
Click below to learn more
By benchmarking your grain results against results from other crops, you can immediately see how well your crops’ nutrition ranked.
As more and more farms become involved in grain nutrient benchmarking, understanding of crop nutrient levels and yields will improve for all farms. YEN now reports ToCs (thresholds of concern) for all nutrients in all crops. These indicate whether your value was within the lowest quarter of all previous YEN crops; they relate well to the deficiency levels reported in the literature.
Our end-of-season overviews of entrants' nutrition data show that there are major differences between farms, as well as between fields. Hence, nutrition errors generally need to be checked and corrected farm by farm.
Your YEN Nutrition process
Apply online and you will then be given access to the YEN Nutrition online portal.
Once you have entered, you can add your farm, field and crop details through the YEN Nutrition Portal, which then helps you manage your entries, share your results (anonymously) and benchmark your fields. The process will be to ...
- Enter your farm details (if you are new to YEN)
- Choose your lab and your sample kit delivery address
- Enter the fields you wish to sample, and sample names
- Provide information about your crops, soils, and fertiliser inputs
- Receive a harvest sampling kit - please allow 10 days for this to arrive
- Take samples from each load as each field is harvested (instructions in your kit)
- Send all samples using bags provided in the kit to your chosen lab.
- Enter (on the YEN Nutrition Portal) the yield for each field and whether straw was removed
- Receive your reports, benchmark your results, highlight key issues, and better manage the nutrition of your next crops.
Learning by sharing - YEN Nutrition Clubs
Farms with common links (e.g. the same agronomist, the same soil or location) should benefit from joining Nutrition Clubs where they can share and discuss (via Whatsapp or winter meetings) results from their nutrient management and crop analyses. Clubs can get expert nutritional guidance, and agree on questions that members could test.
ADAS is keen to help YEN members to obtain sponsorship or funding for these Clubs. Please email yen@adas.co.uk to access this support. See the 'YEN Nutrition Club Flyer' (in Resources) for further details.
Have further questions about YEN Nutrition?
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage.