The Pea YEN was established in 2016 with support from PGRO and 15 commercial sponsors. Pea YEN has sought to understand the variation in combining pea yields between fields, farms and seasons, with a focus on measurements rather than competition. It is open to all interested parties, with all crops entered receiving a comprehensive report, detailing how their crop performed compared to other crops in the YEN. A report on what we have learned so far by sharing our data can be found here.

The first eight years of the Pea YEN have been supported by independent pea agronomist Keith Costello sharing his knowledge, taking in-season measures and samples to produce a practical protocol for growers and agronomists specific for peas.

All members will be provided with a comprehensive report, detailing how their crop performed compared to other pea crops in the YEN and where aspects of their crop and agronomy might stand out compared to the anonymised data of the rest of the network. Click here to see an example Pea YEN 2022 report. Members are also invited to discuss results, experiences and ideas at the end of the season.

Annual membership

Membership is open, and available to anyone; farmers, agronomists, and researchers. Please note that the Pea YEN is currently available for combining pea crops only.

2025 Harvest Membership includes:

  • One entrance into the annual Pea YEN benchmarking network (Members can enter multiple fields; additional charges apply) 
  • One free Soil analysis (Details and restrictions to be confirmed)
  • A comprehensive report on your crop’s performance
  • One ticket to the Annual YEN Conference 
  • PGRO Foot rot risk*
  • Lancrop leaf tissue and seed nutrition*
  • Askew and Barrett Ltd grain sample market quality assessment *
  • Further analysis as confirmed*

*Analysis may be subject to limitations on crop development stage, date, or availability. Please note that some analysis may not be available to non-UK entrants (enquire via email at for more information).

2025 Harvest Membership Fees

  • Individual YEN Membership is £400 + VAT.
  • Entries may be sponsored via official Pea YEN 2025 sponsors (see below)
  • Entries sponsored by other organisations is £525 + VAT

For those interested in taking part in the Pea YEN in 2025, for an idea of the sampling and data collection process involved please see the latest version of the Pea YEN 2022 protocol. Please note that the protocol is subject to change.

Official sponsors of the Pea YEN may be willing to cover the cost of your entry. See the section below for more info.


Corporate Sponsors support the network to maintain its core activities.  Their vital role is recognised in all YEN publicity, media items, conference presentations, and on this website.

Sponsors have a key role in steering the evolution of the network and its activities.  They have access to network information, intelligence and discussions to support their own yield enhancement initiatives.

Sponsors can also make multiple competition entries, and have multiple attendance at the annual YEN conference. A few sponsors will also contribute some or all of individual farmers membership fees. For more information and how to get in touch with potential sponsors, please see the Pea YEN sponsorship enquiry page.

Key Dates
YEN Conference (2024 harvest) - TBD

Sponsors and funders


Crop nutrition excellence leads to success at the Yield Enhancement Network Conference

Crop nutrition excellence leads to success at the Yield Enhancement Network Conference

AUTHOR: Roger Sylvester-Bradley -
TAGS: Cereal YEN, Oilseed YEN, Pea YEN, Bean YEN

‘Crop nutrition is key’ to navigating the new normal for growers says ADAS, as 150 arable and pulse growers met at the annual Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) Conference to review 2024 and… more

Pea YEN 2021 end of season summary

Pea YEN 2021 end of season summary

AUTHOR: Pea YEN Team -


2021 marked the third year of the Pea Yield Enhancement Network (Pea YEN) as part of the wider YEN family format and it’s… more

YEN Nutrition explained in Yara's podcast

YEN Nutrition explained in Yara's podcast

AUTHOR: Roger Sylvester-Bradley -
TAGS: YEN Nutrition, Cereal YEN, Bean YEN, Pea YEN, Oilseed YEN

Listen to Ken Rundle interview me about how YEN began ... and how YEN Nutrition works ... and why I refuse to retire! .. here   


Another first for the YEN!

Another first for the YEN!

AUTHOR: Roger Sylvester-Bradley -
TAGS: YEN Nutrition, Cereal YEN, Oilseed YEN, Bean YEN, Pea YEN

We had an excellent response to our YEN Nutrition webinar yesterday – with 115 people attending and offering over 40 comments and questions. We couldn’t possibly… more