Example Pea YEN Report

Your crops characteristics would usually be shown as orange lines on the charts of this example Pea YEN benchmarking report. 

YEN Conference 2022

Celebrate 10 years of YEN at the YEN Conference, 24th Jan 2023

Members from all the Yield Enhancement Networks are invited to join the YEN Conference to celebrate 10 years of YEN.

Assessment of Soil Texture

Assessment of Soil Texture

Pea YEN 2021 end of season summary


2021 marked the third year of the Pea Yield Enhancement Network (Pea YEN) as part of the wider YEN family format and it’s…

YEN Nutrition explained in Yara's podcast

Listen to Ken Rundle interview me about how YEN began ... and how YEN Nutrition works ... and why I refuse to retire! .. here   

YEN at Cereals 2021

Hear about YEN Nutrition from Sarah Kendall speaking at Cereals Thursday 1 July in AHDB theatre at 2pm 

Also discuss…

Another first for the YEN!

We had an excellent response to our YEN Nutrition webinar yesterday – with 115 people attending and offering over 40 comments and questions. We couldn’t possibly…

Pulse YENs - end of 2020 season summary and beyond

The area of field beans and combining peas cropped in the UK has grown by 38 % and 28 % respectively. Pulses can offer an alternative to oilseed rape in the rotation for some,…

PGRO Pulse Agronomy guide

The PGRO Pulse Agronomy guide can be found on the PGRO website, linked below.

YEN Reporting Workshop

YEN Reports are comprehensive. As well as ranking your yield, they provide many explanatory metrics. If you find this somewhat baffling, and would like to delve into the physiological analysis of…