Oilseed YEN

Cereal and Oilseed YEN 2020 Registration closes

15 June 2020 is the deadline to register for the Cereal or Oilseed YEN networks for 2020

The value of YEN data - Richard Wainright, Bank Top Farm

The data you receive as a YEN member means you understand the constraints to your crop growth. There are some constraints you may not be able to do much about but others are really helpful to know…

Why I joined the YEN - Richard Wainright, Bank Top Farm

Richard Wainright farms a 510ha farm in North Yorkshire and joined the Oilseed YEN two years ago. He joined to get more from his yield and has found the detailed data extremely beneficial in…

Join the Oilseed YEN

To register for the Oilseed YEN, please complete the registration form below.

An auto-confirmation email acknowleding your entry registration will be sent. If this email is not received…

How two top oilseed rape growers achieve high yields

Two leading Scottish Borders Oilseed YEN growers’ focus on crop establishment and nutrition has led them to push their average farm yields towards the 5t/ha barrier.  David Fuller manages 650ha of…

Cereal and Oilseed Yield Enhancement Network Awards 2019

Our seventh annual awards event aims to celebrate agricultural organisations and farmers who are striving to improve crop yields, embrace innovation and share ideas.

Guide to Farmers' Crop Trials

ADAS believes that by working together with other farmers, suppliers, agronomists and scientists, farmers can use their own trials to bring fast learning, new findings and best practice for…