The YEN awards for the best quality UK Flour Millers (UKFM; formerly nabim) Group 1 variety 2021 YEN entry were presented at the AHDB Milling Wheat Conference on 1st March 2022. The awards, sponsored by UKFM, were presented to the winners by George Mason of Heygates who is the chair of the UKFM Wheat Committee.
There were a total of 11 Group 1 entries to the Milling Wheat contest in 2021. All entries were tested for protein, Hagberg falling number and specific weight. The samples were small-scale milled, then subject to dough and baking tests to determine water absorption, dough rheology attributes and loaf quality. The winners were as follows:
First Place: Peter Trickett, Fortshot House Farm, Yorkshire. Sponsor: AHDB
Crusoe. This entry was judged to be the best of the finalists considering the excellent baking quality and high grain and protein (1.26 t/ha) yield.
Second Place: Richard Carr, Lawling Hall Farms, Essex, Sponsor: Hutchinsons
Crusoe. Although this entry was not the highest yielding relative to other entries, it demonstrated a good protein yield of 1.19 t/ha alongside excellent grain and baking quality.
Third Place: Edward Vipond, Park Farm, Suffolk. Sponsor: BASF
Crusoe. The entry had a good protein yield o 1.08 t/ha. Although grain protein was lower than other varieties, grain fill was excellent and the baking quality was the best of the entries.
At the conference there was an opportunity to hear from the winning growers through videos and in a panel discussion, and see the grain and bread baked from the shortlisted entries.
As well as the YEN awards, the milling wheat conference also included updates all relevant for the milling supply chain on markets, the future of the grain protein specification, an update on the grain passport and the impact of high fertiliser prices on milling wheat N recommendations as well a view from a growers perspective. You can view the webinar recording at https://ahdb.org.uk/events/milling-wheat-conference