Please complete the form below to help us forward your interest in a sponsored entry for the Bean YEN
Commercial sponsors who have expressed an interest to support grower's entry into Bean YEN are listed below. Please note that sponsors may be added or removed from this list depending on their availability to support further entrants. It is not a requirement to arrange sponsorship through this form and direct relationships with sponsors are encouraged to continue.
Please select sponsors from the list below whose commercial products or services you are currently, or are intending to use for your YEN crop (including whether you are a levy payer to PGRO). All sponsors selected may be notified of the selection. Learn more about sponsors by clicking the logos on the YEN sponsor page. Information on pulse seed varieties can be found by visiting PGRO's descriptive list.
Commercial sponsors may contact you directly to discuss potential sponsorship further, however, please note that commercial sponsors are under no obligation to do so and sponsorship is not guaranteed.
We will inform you about your sponsorship request within 2 weeks.